A professional nature in any sector is the most important weapon with which a company can start up a long-distance race towards the business world and more so when the sector where a new company is starting out has the history of the olive oil world.
Therefore, with a good training as a basis for the project, GALGÓN 99, S.L. marked out a maxim: the preparation of high quality extra virgin olive oils, for which its manager José Gálvez, started off his basic training with the Diploma in Business Studies (University of Jaen) 1996-99 and made his first contact with the olive oil through the certificate for Technician in Preparation of Oils and Juices at the I.E.S. El Valle, 2003/05, finishing off this training with a Masters in Oliviculture and Elaiotechnics 2004/06 and the title of Expert in Virgin Olive Oil Tasting 2005, both courses given by the University of Jaen.
It is from this point where as well as a project, this business adventure turns into a philosophy of life, aimed not only at selling a product, but also at informing, promoting and building up the excellences of a product that has been so well known throughout history, but the excellences of which as an oil and healthy food are so unknown, as well as its different types of varieties with which to enjoy, unite and savour a true fruit juice such as 100% natural, extra virgin olive oil.
In Galgón 99, the company’s goal is not that of selling a specific number of bottles, since the maximum is the amount that each year its developments are capable of yielding. What is really important is to teach, at least in an easily understood and legible way, the use of the different types of extra virgin olive oils that we can find according to their variety, harvest time or flavours, in such a way that the consumer understands that the use of several extra virgin oils is not incompatible according to what they are used for and in this way optimising the best oil for each dish, in short, starting to blend oils together depending on their use in cooking.